Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Pubic Waxing Uncensored

Step 26 - Sarria - Portomarín

Las ganas de llegar a Santiago iban aumentando de forma exponencial según nos íbamos acercando. Parecía que era ayer cuando había empezado la aventura y había pasado casi un mes. Veía a mis compañeros quejándose de los dolores que en su día tuve como ellos y que ya había superado completamente. Mi cuerpo se acostumbró perfectamente al camino y los kilómetros pasaban livianos. El tiempo en el camino pasa deprisa...

Galicia a esas alturas era una costumbre visual, seguía siendo green and beautiful as when we were in El Cebreiro, but the eye was already accustomed to the scenery and people were very bland, without any charm. In fact the people are used to summarize in a couple of stone houses that smell awful and not even offer something to the traveler. The charm of Galicia is merely in its landscape.

stage quietly mused on tunnels of very friendly, with a little rain at times very specific only to scare. We reached the end of the stage to Portomarín, and we had a menu in one of the inns that are in the main street of the church. It is worth spending the night in big cities like Portomarín because you feel like being in a place much warmer than small towns, is in Galicia.

Portomarín is nice, its stairs to the entrance and the bridge over the river is very picturesque, and see the ancient city hovering over the river flooded, and the low bridge at a lower bridge Again it is impressive. Above all think that there, where it now covers the water, some people live. We were fortunate to see many walls and rest, because the river was quite low, and it is amazing.

This brings the austere hostel is very neglected and was not hospitable at first. The truth is that although run by donation, could impose a price even if low, to improve the poor facilities.

The church is beautiful, the two rosettes are precious and deserve the truth is quite worth seeing inside. A beggar Gonzar warned us that the hostel was closed for works, and that saved us of being stranded and having to make more than eight miles.

was the same beggar with whom we talked over dinner, who confessed that he lived on the road. Cadiz and was dedicated in the church asking for food and sleep in shelters. I really stunning that people may be living in and on the road ...

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