Friday, July 9, 2010

Images Of Baby Shower Table Arrangements


a couple of days ago, but a year ago, I decided, after many turns and detours, to open a space to tell the story of my son Valentine ... to tell our story ...
As the title of the blog: our life story of daily struggle, but especially our love story ... And so is love pure and beautiful ... love that emerges from the eyes of my prince, his kisses, his hugs and all the wonderful things that have spoiled me and gives me tons every day of your life.

By then I felt very alone, although I have my family and my friends, I felt that I needed more ..
had saved so much feeling in me ... so much anguish mixed with hope that was tied in my throat, I felt I had to express it somewhere ... a place where I could write (which I always loved to do) all these feelings and to get them out of me.
I also wanted to share my experience with other parents ... because in his time had served me so much access other blogs and read through many stories that were very similar to mine ... I thought if I helped, surely this area will help others who are beginning to cross the road after diagnosis, the way so hard to start to walk, and also can help a little to myself to find some peace.

... And finally came the first entry: "Welcome" ... and with it the name of the blog: "My Brave Valentine."
It did not take even two seconds to think of a name for our blog, because this way I called Valen when I was in my belly ... not knowing what life and God had prepared long after ... I think this name defines my son as it is: a brave ... a small fighter, who taught me so much being so small, hence, without knowing the name for our space already defined.
I never thought I would get both with this blog ... but to get into this wonderful blogosphere I found so much love, so much contention, as many words of support and encouragement that every time I get a comment me very excited.
found across wonderful people ... first mothers, fathers, first, that as I only live for one reason: to see their children happy.
I also came across beautiful human beings are not special parents, but they share side by side with me and many others, every little achievement, every sorrow and every fall and they do nothing to brighten up my day or pamper my soul with each I left word.

Many moms I know personally ... and we are blessed to be able to get together, when time and our allow children to drink mate, chat, to restrain each other, to know that we have with each other, knowing that we understand like no one else can understand us ... I relajadísima whose houses because I know I will not have to worry about any strange look to my son, and asking why he behaves this way? ... we are in it and know what a tantrum, a cry, a gurgle, a self-stimulation, um stereotyped game. I have no chair to give any kind to anyone about the disability of Valencia, because we are all professionals in the field.
Many others still could not meet in person ... but do not lose hope and even less hope that at some now we can cross over and give them each a big hug. With them I joined a beautiful friendship in the distance, strange, because I feel very close to me, as if we lived a just around the other ... it's crazy not it, but it's wonderful.

to all of you: THANKS FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP ! . Thanks for coming into my life and allowing me to enter in yours through their stories, which are the same as mine. Provide a shoulder for allowing me to mourn when the days turn gray, although the fatigue of the daily struggle seems to beat us and to also share a laugh, a smile and joy it brings us immense achievement and small steps are giving our children, that son justamente los que nos llena el alma de esperanza y fuerza para seguir caminando con ellos y para ellos.

Pd: tengo el blog un poco abandonado...desde el dia del padre que no escribo nada, y paso muy poco por los blogs amigos...ya pronto les estaré contando muchas cosas de Valen y pasaré a visitarlos... Valentín estuvo bastante enfermucho este tiempo y no tuve el tiempo necesario para sentarme a escribir. Con muchas mamás sigo en contacto a través del facebook, porque es una forma más rapida de mantenernos al tanto...pero prometo pasar a visitarlos y seguir llenando mis entradas con NUESTRA HISTORIA.

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